Matter and the variety of its properties are what making Universe. Materials in Universe are distinguishable through their comparative properties which are always referenced to at least a known point within the spectrum of the same property. Attributing a property such as thick, for example, to a material is only meaningful when a comparison is made with respect to a known thin material.
Due to their comparative character, all properties in Universe exist in binaries for which either side stands only to disambiguate the other side. Each property has a side which is unrestricted in magnitude while its other side indicates the lack of the property. For instance, in complementary binary properties such as bright and dark or hot and cold there are no limitations on the magnitudes of bright or hot properties as there can always be a brighter or a hotter property, while on the other side, dark or cold properties only refer to the absence of light or heat, respectively.
Complex properties in materials may appear after the combination of more basic materials. A good example of such complex materials is living matter which may be defined as any independent combination of basic materials that exploits the environment to its benefit and that actively tries to protect itself against outside threats. According to the unique aspects of each living matter, some of its properties might be unique to itself and inapplicable to other living matter.
Unlike the case of properties belonging to more basic materials, some complementary properties in living matter at first might seem to have unlimited boundaries on both sides. To name a few, such complementary binary properties may include happy and sad, pleasant and unpleasant, patient and impatient, or good and bad. However, either of the sides within any of these binary properties is an independent biological perception stemmed from a combination of living matter’s structure and surroundings. Therefore, either of the sides within these presumably complementary binaries is an independent property which should be referenced to its own absence. For instance, sadness is not caused by the lack of happiness or vice versa. Sadness and happiness are independent properties which must be referenced to their own absence.
In mathematical terms, every property whether basic or complex, lies linearly within its infinitely extendable value on one side and its hypothetical absence on the other side. It is important to note, just like the scattered character of matter in Universe, all basic and complex properties take discrete values when observed or measured over their distribution spectrum.


Location of matter introduces a different type of property in Universe. Complementary binary properties such as east and west or above and under lie in the category of location property. Similar to the case of basic or complex matter properties, properties referring to location are meaningful only when a comparison is made to at least one known reference location. However, unlike the earlier properties, neither side of the complementary binaries within the location property compares with the absence of the property. Instead either side of the complementary binaries belonging to location property is extendable to infinity. Every beneath might be above and every front might be behind according to assumed reference locations. This further implies that there are no limits to the boundaries of Universe.
Apart from the location property, time is the only other property of matter that is not measured against its absence and has unrestricted sides. In other words, neither side in complementary past and future binary property can be traced to a start or an end. More specifically, there has been no start to Universe and there will be no end to it.
The unlimited character of location or time binary properties further applies to their derivatives such as speed and acceleration. That means either side within fast and slow binary property might be stationary, slow, or fast depending on the speed and direction of an agreed reference coordinate system.
Whether properties of matter are extendable on one or both sides, the common aspect of all properties lies in their measurability. All properties are measurable relative to comparisons made with agreed reference points within the same property and there exists no property that is unmeasurable or returns a fixed value upon measurement in different reference systems. Likewise, there exists no matter whose properties are unmeasurable or fixed.


Even though, three dimensions are enough to locate matter within this world, to locate the world itself within Universe an extra dimension is needed. A fourth dimension within location property implies that despite human’s experience of dealing with a unique world, there are unlimited worlds that are making Universe. Just like the discrete distribution of matter in the three-dimensional world, matter across the fourth dimension should exist in discrete patterns.
The fourth dimension of location is necessary to justify the fact that there are no limits on the largest and smallest making components of Universe, namely galaxies and atoms. The galaxies in the sky are not the biggest elements of Universe but are atoms creating the world ahead whose sky galaxies are themselves atoms creating another world ahead. Likewise, atoms which are making components of a world are galaxies in the sky of its world aback. In neither direction, the succession of ever repeating worlds has an end.
It is worth emphasizing that Universe has always been in and will always remain in equilibrium and that events in different worlds do not disturb its overall balance. Also, the fourth dimension implicitly implies that in Universe there exists no absolute vacuum void of matter and therefore void of properties.
Experience of the time concept in all individual worlds remains the same since time is just a terminological convention which accounts for a comparative rate of change in every world. However, when the rate of change is referenced to a given world, the relative rate of change for worlds ahead or aback would be drastically different.
Regardless of the rate by which events unfold in galactic or atomic scales, a full correspondence exists between components and their behaviors in both scales. The linear behavior of properties helps figuring out a crude correlation between rates of change happening in every two adjacent worlds. Assuming, as suggested by today’s Physics, diameters of 1020 and 10-10 meters for a spiral-galaxy and a hydrogen atom, respectively, a rough size difference of 1030 between similar components of two successive worlds is calculated. Therefore, the rate of change in any world aback could safely be assumed to take place 1030 times faster compared to its adjacent world ahead. In a related analogy, using a spiral-galaxy’s full rotation period of around 1012 seconds, the linear velocity of compounds on the periphery of a hydrogen atom are calculated to be approximately 3×108 meters per second which roughly equals the speed of electromagnetic radiation as it is promoted by today’s Physics.
Universe is based on simple rules of materials and their properties. No material or property exists that returns a fixed value upon measurements with respect to different reference systems. In general, matter with an unmeasurable property is nonexistent. Therefore, the concept of having a unique-speed property for whatever entity, as observed from various coordinated systems, is absurd. Speed of light or any other moving matter is measurable and, contingent on the reference coordinate system used, may take all the values from positive infinity to negative infinity.


The measurable character of properties in Universe invalidates the exception of a merely pulling force or a force whose magnitude is independent of assumed reference coordinate systems. Therefore, besides its pulling character, gravity should have pushing and dragging aspects. Although, pulling character of gravity is the main force within the galaxies, these are dragging and pushing characters of gravity which keep Universe from coalescing into a single accretion of matter. A balanced and ever-lasting Universe must contain comparable magnitudes of opposing forces.
Gravitational properties of worlds aback appear to be the main sources of all known forces in every world. In fact, all forces as known in today’s Physics could satisfactorily be explained through certain gravitational interactions happening in atomic and sub-atomic scales. However, it must be emphasized that gravity force in every world is as much about the dynamics of gravity in the worlds ahead as it is about gravitational dynamics of the worlds aback. In general, the parameters governing the gravity force within every world are solely decided by the interactions happening in other worlds. Therefore, any speculation on manipulating the gravity force or field lines, referred in today’s Physics as anti-gravity, is utmost nonsense.
Considering mass dynamics, gravity force may exert anisotropically on different points of a shell encapsulating the mass. In other words, in addition to its known pulling force, the gravity force emanating from any moving mass drags the nearby matter proportionally in the direction of its movement. Applying the dragging character of gravity through including a mathematical term to the universal law of gravity will successfully explain the unknown behaviors of celestial entities observed within Solar system or outer space.
In the case of Solar system, Sun anisotropically drags the planets along the direction of its spinning plane. The closer the planets are to Sun, the stronger dragging effect of Sun they experience. This explains the perihelion precession anomaly observed in Mercury’s trajectory as closest planet to Sun. The dragging force of gravity exerted by Sun on Mercury slightly accelerates the planet on its trajectory and leads to a more forward-occurring Perihelion along the spinning direction of Sun, after each period of the planet. The anomalous precession changes observed for Mercury cannot be satisfactorily explained using the universal law of gravitation or even utilizing the assumptions of Relativity theory.
A further indication of the dragging character of gravity within Solar system is observed in its planar configuration. The dragging force of gravity is strongest on the spinning plane of Sun and decreases to zero for objects located on either side of Sun’s spinning axis. This is the reason, why planets within Solar system tend to rotate around Sun on its spinning plane.
The dragging gravity also successfully explains the anomaly seen in the angular velocity of stars within the discs of spiral-galaxies. In this anomaly, the observed speeds of stars located towards the outer edges of the discs in spiral-galaxies do not follow the universal law of gravitation. In fact, these stars rotate much faster than what is calculated from the gravitation law. This anomaly has been the main reason behind adoption of the superstitious concept of dark matter and its entire descendant theories. The concept of dragging gravity justifies this anomaly by stating that each star is dragged along by its neighboring stars as they rotate around the disc. Within the outer disc, the dragging contribution of nearby stars eventually leads to a leveling of angular velocities among all stars forming the disc.
Furthermore, by including the dragging force of gravity in the universal law of gravity, other anomalies such as the ones observed in the rotational behavior of satellites around planet Earth, known as flyby anomalies, could be explained.


Over time, the developments in characterization and observational techniques and equipment will make it more probable to find the right answers to an increasing number of different phenomena in Universe. Nonetheless, even using available technologies, there are few experiments that, if performed, reveal true answers to quite a few misunderstood or misinterpreted phenomena. Inevitably, such experiments will stand to invalidate several fundamental principles of Physics.
One such an experiment would be concerned with revealing different velocities of photons forming diverse regions of the radiation spectrum. Measuring speeds of light emitted from monochromatic sources, for instance lasers, will reveal that blue-color light travels slightly faster than green-color light while green-color light travels slightly faster than red-color light. In fact, these are different speeds of light colors which make these photons interact with matter distinctively, and not their assumed frequencies or wavelengths as claimed by Physics.
Another revealing experiment would be resolving and distinguishing different geometric profiles of an atom. In such an experiment, low-temperature scanning probe microscopy setups can resolve face-on or edge-on profiles of atoms within certain crystals, especially under the optimal application of external magnetic or electric fields.


The opposing sides of properties seem to suggest that Universe moves towards a static equilibrium far from entropy. Since on the contrary, Universe is already at a dynamic equilibrium, Universe’s governing rules should at least contain a single anisotropic character. Such an anisotropic behavior is also needed to explain some of the selective trends observed in Universe such as the structural asymmetry between the mates of living matter or bending of negatively and positively charged particles towards opposite directions while traversing through an applied magnetic field. Such anisotropy may further explain why mass in spiral-galaxies or celestial objects tend to occur around a similar value.
The only anisotropy in Universe appears to be caused by the matter being absorbed to or repelled from galaxies and celestial objects in selective directions. Specifically, clockwise rotating galaxies once looked at face-on in an absolute majority of cases lead to the creation of a repelling gravitational force against the observer away from the disc and a simultaneous pulling gravitational force on the other side towards the disc. Negatively and positively charged galaxies or celestial objects form opposite directions of pull-push anisotropy which explains their attraction towards opposite polarities. It is probably safe to assume that the ratio between galaxies obeying and disobeying this general rule is comparable with the ratio between the occurrence of right-handed and left-handed individuals.


From a personal perspective, all properties might be referenced to their absence, including position and time. This is because from an individual point of view, every person can be assumed at the center of Universe in which every object is considered as near or far. The past memories and future aims are making hem what the person is while each expected event may occur to hem within a soon or a late timespan. No one is able to remember hes birth and no one will ever remember hes death. Everyone lives in the middle of hes past and future.
Someone has written these words that I can continue or stop reading. These are my thoughts that make Universe in which all the events are arranged to support my existence. I am always where it is called now and I am unable to end it the same way I could have never started it.

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